Serietà e Professionalità nell'integrazione alimentare

Acido folico, utile alleato contro l'emicrania

mercoledì 04 febbraio 2015 - 09:02

L'emicrania è una malattia fortemente invalidante che colpisce numerose persone.

La variante C677T dell'enzima metilentetraidrofolato reduttasi (MTHFR), è stata correlata ad un aumento dei livelli di omocisteina e rischio di emicrania con aurea (MA).

L'integrazione con acido folico, vitamina B6 e vitamina B12, ha dimostrato di ridurre i livelli di omocisteina nel sangue diminuendo i sintomi di emicrania. Nel laboratorio dell'Institute for Health and Biomedical Innovation, Università del Queensland- Australia, è stato condotto uno studio il cui scopo era di analizzare l'associazione tra l'assunzione di folati sotto forma di folato equivalente (DFE) e di folato alimentare e la frequenza, la gravità  e l'entità dell'azione invalidante dell'emicrania.

I risultati dimostrano come l'assunzione di folato DFE  può influenzare l'entità dell'emicrania nelle donne affette da tale patologia. Non è però ancora del tutto chiaro al momento come l'integrazione con l'acido folico riesca a portare benefici sull'emicrania riducendo la severità, la frequenza e l'azione invalidante.


Effects of Dietary Folate Intake on Migraine Disability and Frequency. Menon S1, Lea RA, Ingle S, Sutherland M, Wee S, Haupt LM, Palmer M, Griffiths LR. Author information 1Genomics Research Centre, Institute for Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove, QLD, Australia. 2015 Jan. 19

', 'Effects of Dietary Folate Intake on Migraine Disability and Frequency', 'Migraine is a highly disabling disease affecting a significant proportion of the Australian population. The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T variant has been associated with increased levels of homocysteine and risk of migraine with aura (MA). Folic acid (FA), vitamin B6 , and B12 supplementation has been previously shown to reduce increased levels of homocysteine and decrease migraine symptoms.', '

Migraine is a highly disabling disease affecting a significant proportion of the Australian population.

The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T variant has been associated with increased levels of homocysteine and risk of migraine with aura (MA).

Folic acid (FA), vitamin B6 , and B12 supplementation has been previously shown to reduce increased levels of homocysteine and decrease migraine symptoms. However, the influence of dietary folate intake on migraine has been unclear. The aim of the current study was to analyze the association of dietary folate intake in the form of dietary folate equivalent, FA, and total food folate (TFF) on migraine frequency, severity, and disability. Folate consumption was compared with migraine frequency, severity, and disability using linear regression. A significant inverse relation was observed between dietary folate equivalent and FA consumption and migraine frequency. It was also observed that in individuals with the CC genotype for the MTHFR C677T variant, migraine frequency was significantly linked to FA consumption. The results from this study indicate that folate intake in the form of FA may influence migraine frequency in female MA sufferers. 

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